Non Semper Erit Aestas (It Will Not Always Be Summer) (Pdf)


In this adventure, the player characters are Vigiles Nocturni- special agents of the Empire who investigate hidden threats, both the mundane and the supernatural. They are sworn to protect Rome and the Empire as a whole and stand apart from the civil wars which threaten to tear it apart. They are the only people with a chance to stop the local capital, Colonia Agrippina (present-day Cologne), from falling to a barbarian invasion.

SKU: D101-063 Category:


In the year 68AD, after Emperor Nero’s suicide and disgrace, the Roman Empire is torn apart by civil war. Those who would be emperor have withdrawn the legions under their command to fight each other, leaving the defences of the borders and provinces of the Empire dramatically weakened. The people are particularly agitated near the River Rhine. A large force of Batavians gathers, the few remaining Roman troops and mercenaries have not been paid, and as if that’s not enough, sorcery is in the air.

In this adventure, the player characters are Vigiles Nocturni- special agents of the Empire who investigate hidden threats, both the mundane and the supernatural. They are sworn to protect Rome and the Empire as a whole and stand apart from the civil wars which threaten to tear it apart. They are the only people with a chance to stop the local capital, Colonia Agrippina (present-day Cologne), from falling to a barbarian invasion.

This book includes:

  • Background to the Rhine Frontier in the time of the Four Emperors.
  • Magic in the form of the religions of Epona, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Minerva. The illegal art of Necromancy.
  • A guide to the city of Colonia Agrippina and its important inhabitants.
  • The Adventure It Will Not Always Be Summer
  • Four Premade Characters, so you can pick up and play.

This book requires OpenQuest to play but is broadly compatible with other D100 systems.

By Paul Mitchener, pdf only, 27 pages, b&w art.