Beyond Dread Portals Kickstarter Opens on Monday 23rd October!
I'm relaunching Beyond Dread Portals on Kickstarter on Monday 23rd October. Sign up now for a notification of when the Kickstarter opens. Beyond Dread Portals Kickstarter page Back the game in within the first two days, and you'll get an Early Bird gift, of the League...
OpenQuest Dungeons Available now
OpenQuest Dungeons is now available via the D101 Games website. This supplement for OpenQuest, which is broadly compatible with other D100 roleplaying games, has advice, resources and three adventures to ease players more familiar with D20 fantasy games into the joys...
OpenQuest Online 2023 July 8-9th now Open for Registration
After the success of last year’s online OpenQuest convention a year on, I’ve decided to do it again. Registration for OpenQuest Online 2023, Saturday 8th to Sunday 9th July, is now open on Warhorn The schedule is being worked on and will be announced shortly, but...
Lost Fools of Atlantis coming to Kickstarter 23/05/23
The teasing is over. The mystery game is the long-threatened Lost Fools of Atlantis, a dark comedy game about conspiracies. Signup on Kickstarter prelaunch page to be notified upon launch and join the fun! (also, this is the link when it goes live) Play a recently...
Double Release Day
Howdo Just a quick one from me. I'm proud to say that I've just released not one but two new Roleplaying Games. Both are available in pdf and print/pdf bundles. Reboot the Future Cyberpunk roleplaying in the 23rd Century. It uses the same rules-light system as Paul...
Mancuria available in pdf
Mancuria, a small sandbox setting for OSR and other Class/Level games, is now available via and the D101 Games store. Mancuria on the D101 Games web store.
Beyond Dread Portals, Kickstarter Cancelled
From the Beyond Dread Portals Kickstarter It is with great regret that I'm cancelling the Beyond Dread Portals Kickstarter. Since launch, its become clear to me that the campaign will not fund. So I'm gracefully ending this current campaign at this point. Your support...
Beyond Dread Portals on Kickstarter until 2nd May
Beyond Dread Portals, Paul Mitchener’s game of world hopping fantasy is now on Kickstarter until 2
D101 and the OGL
If you are interested in where D101 Games' various releases under the OGL 1.0a stand after the OGL fiasco back in January, this post over on our publishing blog explains the current state of play. D101 Post-OGL Fiasco (short version they are all safe and ok 🙂 )
End of Publication of Two Titles at the End of the Month
Advance warning the following titles will be retired on 31st January. The Duck Crusade Swords Against the Shroud Both these titles are available in pdf form via the D101 store.