SimpleQuest – Postage for Kickstarter


See full description below for instructions.



This is to pay your postage for your Signed and Sent copy of SimpleQuest.

The books have arrived from the printer, so once you’ve paid your postage for this any printed add-ons (see links below) I will send out the book.

Please note.

The cost of the book will show up as zero at check out, until you choose your type of shipping.

To make it easier for me to link your order to your Kickstarter account, please give the name of your Kickstarter Account in the “Order notes (optional)” when you are checking out.

Please note I use Royal Mail for shipping. If you want to use another postage service such as DHL or UPS contact me to discuss.

If you are due any of the following as print add-ons, you will need to pay for the postage for them, too (links in list).

OpenQuest Signed and Sent
The Duck Crusade
The Savage North
• The Crucible of Dragons
The Company.

Additional information

Weight .600 kg
Dimensions 21 × 15 × 3 cm