Off to UK Games Expo 2015

This coming weekend D101 Games will be at UK Games Expo 2015 in Birmingham UK. We’ll be in the Monarch Hall on Stand 23, next to our old friends Travelling Man, Friday 29 – Sunday 31 May.  If you are coming, pop over and say hi 🙂 The stall will be stocking...

Off to Furnace!

Last con of 2014 for D101 and its going to be a good one. Jon Ossoway is running River of Heaven on Saturday night, and I’m running Project Darklight and an OpenQuest derivied game. If you are coming well see you there.

D101 Convention attendance for 2014

D101 Convention attendance for the rest of 2014. Eternal Con (June 06 – 09, 2014 Castle Stahleck, Bacharach, Germany ) – Simon Bray will be at Castle Bacharch runing a Cruicible of the Dragons free form as well as tabletop. Usually...

D101 Ninja!

OK I’m looking to resurrect D101’s demo team effort, which has kinda fallen by the wayside over that last couple of years. It will be pretty informal, but Ninjas will get a groovy black t-shirt, access to drafts of games/scenarios, as well as other...