Grogzilla #1 (Pdf)


A 36-page A5 fanzine containing articles (and a scenario) about our games, both current and future. Oh and skyscraper high firebreathing three-headed terror lizards!

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Welcome to Grogzilla, a zine to celebrate Grogmeet 2019, a convention held annually in Manchester, organised by the staff of the Grognard Files Podcast
Within these pages, you will find a little bit of what D101 Games does.

  • The Weird and Warped part 2 Monsterous and Weird Demons for Crypts and Things.
  • A Question of Duck. Everything you wanted to know about this water-based non-human race but were too scared to ask. The grogs of Twitter have your answer.
  • Four Faces of Grogzilla. Grogzilla in all his glory for River of Heaven, Monkey,OpenQuest and Crypts and Things.
  • Wigan Pigs. A sequel to The Road to Hell, a Jacobean Halloween Horror using the Swords & Wizardry ruleset.
  • Outsiders. If I was to do a Cthulhu game, this is how I would do it, test notes from the Blue-Sky Horizon.
  • The Six Travellers. A band of gypsies for Mythras.
  • Yulpa the Sunchaster. The Six Traveller Horse Rider religon for Mythras.
  • I Don’t Think We Are In Atlantis Any More. A bit of gaming fiction from the introduction of our conspiracy game Lost Fools of Atlantis.
  • REBOOT: PItbull. An example character from this upcoming Cyberpunk game.
  • The Barbarian at the Gate. An example class from The Black Hack based Swords Against the Shroud.
  • The Imperial Ysian Tourist Boards Top Ten Sights of the Empire. A quick overview of the setting for Beyond Dread Portals.
  • Aftermath. When Grogzilla has rampaged through these pages what is left?
  • About D101 Games. Still in the dark about what we do, let me enlighten you.

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