From the Shroud #3 now live on Kickstarter

Live now on Kickstarter as part of ZineQuest for two weeks until Mon, August 29.  Fully funded within an hour, currently smashing through stretch goals, From the Shroud #3 is a zine focusing on the cosmic horror of the Other Worlds for Crypts and Things and other...
Its Dark November

Its Dark November

This month I shall be promoting our Dark Fantasy/OSR/D&D games and adventures. Things like Crypts and Things, The Road to Hell and the forthcoming Swords against the Shroud.  It’s going to be a month of excitement and surprises, and if you want the up to the...

Swords Against the Shroud now available

Swords Against the Shroud, the Black Hack version of Crypts and Things, is now available in pdf, and print pre-order, including a limited edition colour hardcover with a cover by @JonnyHodgsonArt that longtime C&T fans will recognise 🙂 . Swords Against the Shroud...

Grogzilla now funding on Kickstarter

Grogzilla, briefly seen at Grogmeet 2019  is now getting a proper print run. It’s currently, live on Kickstarter’s ZineQuest 2:for two weeks (until February 28th) and at time of writing 50% after 12 hours, It’s full of fire-breathing three-headed...